Do not fear, for I am with you,
do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand

– Isaiah 41:10

Student Support Services


Fatima College has constituted the following committees that aid in the effective and timely grievance Redressal of the Students:


Anti-Ragging Committee

Cell for Prevention of Sexual Harassment Cell

Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell

Examination Committee

Students’ Union

Foreign Students’ Welfare

Sports Committee

Anti-Narcotics Club


The Redressal Mechanism for the same are stated herein:


Freshers are intimated about each of the committees during the Students’ Induction Programme itself and are made available on the College Website.

The helpline numbers/ e-mail ids and details of the online provision are provided to the students by the class teachers besides the details of the same on the notice boards and the College website. In certain cases, the modus operandi is also explained in the College Handbook

There is also a Grievance / Suggestion box on Campus where the students can drop their compliants / grievances / suggestions retaining their anonymity.

Bi-Annual Grievance Redressal Meetings are conducted for the Student Representatives by the Principal in the presence of the College Secretary and the Vice Principals on prior notice to all the students.




Cancellation of Admissions

Suspension from attending classes

Withholding/withdrawing scholarship / fellowship and other benefits

Debarring from appearing for Tests or Examinations

Imposing fine


  • Vision Statement

    WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT THROUGH EDUCATION Being contemplative, prophetic and women of communion for the LIFE of the world to empower young women through faith formation and value-based education for societal equality, harmony and care for our common home.