Student Support
01/06/2023 2025-03-26 14:05Student Support
Fatima College with its foresight has envisioned & implemented numerous programmes & services to benefit the student community. The management firmly believes in the holistic growth of the Fatimites & apart from academic support, it provide services like Placement, economic support through the Mother Rose Care Fund, food tokens for the less privileged, gymnasium facilities, health checks, scholarships etc. The student related activities & services are monitored by the students Union ably guided by the Deans of Student Welfare.
The institution’s focal point is to assist the students to gain meaningful learning experiences. Hence its priority is to provide quality education. Besides, all the activities in the campus are oriented towards holistic progression of each student.
In empowering the women students the institution has taken several steps and some of them are listed below:
- The admission policy is to give preference to the economically and socially backward students and the first generation learners.
- It adheres to the quota fixed by the Government with regard to admission of SC/ST and other Minority students.
- Fee structure is affordable. Students who are unable to pay the fee are assisted through different means:
- The annual calendar gives detailed information of the resources that the economically weak can tap.
- Availing all the Government scholarship; instructing them the type of scholarship they can apply for.
- Meeting the requirement through Mother Rose Care Fund.
- Benefactors fund is also used.
- Each department identifies the economically weak and supports them through the Department Fund (Voluntary contribution of the Staff).
- Alumnae Association sets aside a large amount for the student’s fee and sometimes for their medical expenses too, when needed.
- Incentive to outstanding students in Sports.
- Hostel Fee Concession.
- College Fee Concession.
- Supply of Nutritious Meal.
- The slow learners have the facility of learning after the class hours to come on par with the fast learners.
- To develop Communication Skill and Comprehensive power, every Monday they have remedial classes in General English for two hours (2-4 p.m.)
- Every Tuesday and Wednesday, the subject teachers take major remedial classes.
- The entry and exit test marks are recorded to mark the gradual progress.
At the entry point the students are given an English Attainment Test and based on the performance they undergo continuous Intensive Bridge Course for 10 days. In order to prepare the Tamil as well as English medium students at the transit level, exercises based on LSRW, are designed to suit the need and achieve compatibility.
It helps them become more competent besides developing communicative competence.
Form 2011 onwards, fundamental concepts and technical terms in each discipline are also to be incorporated to slide into the course comfortably.
Off – Class programme on Human Rights exposes the students to know the fundamental rights and especially those of women.
- Library has an extensive collection of valuable books and national and international journals. The students can read in the library up to 5 p.m.
- Students are encouraged to read books, other than the prescribed ones.
- In addition, students are allowed 20 hours of free browsing in the Lib Net. They are regulated and the record is maintained in a systematic manner.
- To aid the student’s there are various job-oriented diploma courses managed by each department.
- Coaching goes on regularly for the following Exams:
- English for Competitive exam is conducted for those who opt for it.
- Procedural methods discussed.
- Type of Courses to pursue highlighted.
- Part time employment to meet the expense discussed.
- Student Exchange programme through Australia – India Institute discussed.
- Exhibit of all the career-oriented notices and ads.
- Internship is mandatory to develop skill and to get inducted.
- MOUs enable the students to be exposed to various job opportunities.
- Provides Training to face Interviews.
- Arranges with companies to conduct Interviews in the campus. Many students get recruited.
- Quiz programmes
- Club activities
- Seminars
- Sports Activities
- Fine Arts
The institution’s focal point is to assist the students to gain meaningful learning experiences. Hence its priority is to provide quality education. Besides, all the activities in the campus are oriented towards holistic progression of each student. In empowering the women students the institution has taken several steps and some of them are listed below:
A well-equipped Gymnasium in a comfortable zone to follow “keep-fit” principle.
This system keeps track of the learners growth both academically and personally. The staff mentors take care of the mentees.
- Two Full time counsellors are available in the campus.
- They meet the student’s class wise. They offer individual counselling too.
- Activated on 3.09.2010
- Grievance Cell Members
- Principal
- Vice – Principals
- Deans
- Controller of Examinations
- Warden
Functioning Mode
- Issues and remedial measures are recorded.
- Grievance Cell Members
- Installed in two spots.
- Enable Students to contact parents at any time.
- To help the Students earn, Earn while you Learn Scheme available
- Payment as per the number of hours they work
Distributed discreetly. The student – receiver can avail the canteen food items.
- The college has almost from its inception made use of the transports services of PRC whose good – will is appreciated. Currently Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) also providing their services. The students find it easy to commute from the residential areas to the college and vice versa.
- Election of Union Office bearers takes place on a highly democratic basis.
- Information Service Centre started functioning in the academic year (2010-2011).
- Student’s database created.
- As a next step office record also to be automated.
- Information Service Centre started functioning in the academic year (2010-2011).