College News / Events 2017 – 2018
16/05/2024 2024-10-25 18:53College News / Events 2017 – 2018
Invitation: Inauguration of Swachh Bharat Summer Internship’18 at Kondayamatti, Madurai on May 28, 2018. |
Entrance test will be conducted on June 04, 2018 at 10.00 a.m for the following PG Courses: M.A. English, M.A. Tamil, M.A. Economics, M.Sc. Physics & M.Com. |
Congratulations!!! Women Empowerment Animation & Training Centre (WEAT) was awarded the Best Social Forum Award (National Level) conferred by Dr. Abdul Kalam Educational Trust, Chennai on May 12, 2018. |
Congratulations!!! The Research Centre of English was awarded the Best Academic Department Award (National Level) conferred by Dr. Abdul Kalam Educational Trust, Chennai on May 12, 2018. |
Congratulations!!! Ms. V. Abirami Kumari, II M.Sc. Computer Science was awarded the Best Student – 2017 Award (National Level) conferred by Dr. Abdul Kalam Educational Trust, Chennai on May 12, 2018. |
Online application for PG courses available from April 24, 2018 onwards. | |
Candle Light Ceremony on Apr. 11, 2018. | |
MoU with Binary University, Malaysia on Apr. 07, 2018. | |
Fatima College secured 65th Rank in India Ranking 2018 (NIRF) out of 1087 Colleges in India. |
Congratulations!!! Dr. Sr. G. Celine Sahaya Mary, Principal was awarded the Women of Excellence Award for Community Services by The International Association of Lions Clubs District 324 – B3 held at KLN College of Engineering, Sivagangai on Mar. 08, 2018. | |
Invitation: The Research Centre of English organized a Guest Lecture on “We Shall Not Cease From Exploration” on Mar. 27, 2018. | |
The Research Centre of English organized a Valediction of ORACLE on Mar. 28, 2018. Chief Guest: Ms. V. Nalini, Associate Professor of English, Sri Meenakshi Govt. Arts College for Women, Maduari. | |
END SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS – APRIL 2018 Time Table & Instructions. |
Invitation: The Department of Journalism & Mass Communication organized the Intercollegiate Meet “SPECTRUM 2K18 – Youth and Media Literacy” on Feb. 06, 2018. | |
Department of English (SF) organized the Intercollegiate Meet “PROVIDENTIA 2K18 – Children’s Literature” on Feb. 01, 2018. Chief Guest: Dr. A. Arjunan, Associate Professor and HOD, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai. | |
Invitation: The Research Centre of English celebrated the Diamond Jubilee on Feb. 13, 2018. | |
Department of Home Science with Food Biotechnology organized Dr. Sr. P. A. Mary Endowment Lecture on “Vazhkai” by Dr. M. Kannan, Director – Research, M. S. Chellamuthu Institute of Mental Health & Rehabilitation, Madurai on Feb. 12, 2018. | |
Department of Zoology organized a guest lecture on “Terrace Gardening for Eco-Sustainability” by Mrs. Durga Muthukumar, Co-ordinator, Green Walk, Madurai on Feb. 16, 2018. | |
Language – Part-I Hindi celebrated Hindi Day on “MILAN” on Feb. 21, 2018. Chief Guest: Dr. S. Priti Latha, Asst. Prof. & Head, Dept. of Hindi, Lady Doak College, Madurai. | |
Invitation: Department of Zoology celebrated the Diamond Jubilee on Feb. 24, 2018. | |
Invitation: Department of Chemistry celebrated the Diamond Jubilee on Mar. 02, 2018. | |
Language – Part-I French organized a Workshop on “BON APPETIT !” (LA CUISINE FRANCAISE) on Feb. 27, 2018. Chief Guest: Mr. M. Mahesh Kumar, Asst. Prof., Subbulakshmi Lakshmipathi College, Madurai. | |
Institute-Industry Interface Cell organized Offer Letter Distribution on Feb. 28, 2018. |
Call for Papers: Department of Sociology and Social Work organized a National Conference on “Social Issues: Changes and Challenges (Interdisciplinary View) on Jan. 25, 2018. | |
T1 Examinations: 09.01.2018 – 12.01.2018. | |
Invitation: The Research Centre of English inaugurated the Certificate Course in “Airhostess & Airport Management” on 05.01.2018. | |
TN Govt. Rural Livelihood Movement Madurai and Fatima College (Autonomous) jointly organized “College Bazaar” at Fatima College from 19.01.2018 to 20.01.2018. Inauguration & Special Address – Thiru. K. Veera Raghava Rao, I.A.S., District Collector, Madurai, Introduction – Mr. K. Arunmani, Joint Director, TN Govt. Rural Livelihood Movement Madurai and Felicitation – Dr. Sr. G. Celine Sahaya Mary, Principal, Fatima College. | |
Invitation: Christmas celebration on Dec. 23, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. Rev. Dr. C. Joe Arun, Director, St. Joseph’s Institute of Management, Trichy delivered the Christmas Message. | |
Invitation: The Research Centre of English organized “ORACLE 2017” – Intercollegiate Fest on Coming of Age Fiction on Dec. 14, 2017. | |
Invitation: Fine Arts 2K17 – ‘Immaculate Oikos’ on Dec. 08 & 09, 2017. | |
Invitation: Department of History organized a One-Day Inter-Collegiate Seminar on “Women’s Rights: Past and Present” on Dec. 20, 2017. | |
Invitation: Department of Mathematics celebrated the Diamond Jubilee (1957 – 2017) on Dec. 15, 2017. | |
Invitation: The Department of Mathematics (SF) celebrated ‘Ramanujan Day’ on Dec. 12, 2017. | |
“SOCIAS” Association, Department of Sociology and Social Work organized a Guest Lecture on “Social Scientists – For a Better World” by Mrs. J. Vennila, Head, CSR Project, Arogya Welfare Trust (TVS), Madurai on Dec. 11, 2017. |
In memoriam – Ms. Maiamma K. Varghese, Former Professor & Head (1958 – 1990). |
In memoriam – Rev. Sr. Marie Bernad, Former Secretary (1991 – 1993). |
Hearty Congratulations and Best Wishes to Dr. Antony Amala Jeyaseli, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology on being promoted from a Lieutenant to a Captain in the Pipping Ceremony held at Lady Doak College on Oct. 30, 2017. She was pipped by Col. Gajendra Singh, Commanding Officer, 2 Tamil Nadu Girls’ Battalion, NCC. |
Invitation: Commemoration of Mother Rose Benedicta & Teacher’s Day Celebration on Sep. 05, 2017 at 08:15 a.m. | |
Invitation: Department of Mathematics organized a Rev. Sr. Marie Teresa Endowment Lecture on “Problems in Analysis” on Sep. 12, 2017. | |
Invitation: The Research Centre of Tamil organized the “Muthamizh Vizha” on Sep. 15 & 16, 2017. | |
Invitation: Fatima Incubation Centre Inauguration on Sep. 20.09.2017. | |
Dr. Muthupandian Ashokkumar, Deputy Dean, Professor in the School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne highlighted the possibilities of B.Sc. Blended programme offered by the University of Melbourne on 19.09.2017 between 9.30 a.m and 10.30 a.m. | |
The Research Advisory Committee organized an Interface with the UNESCO, Chair Dr. Jean Marie Barbier on “Research, Networking and Skill Training” on Sep. 20, 2017. | |
In Commemoration of the World Breastfeeding Week, The Dept. of Home Science with Food Biotechnology organized a Special Lecture on “Breast Feeding: A Key to Sustainable Development” by Dr. R. Priyadhashini, Consultant, Gynaecologist, ESI Hospital, Madurai on Aug 05, 2017. | |
The Research Centre of Economics Inaugurated the Association “ECOMATRIX” and organizes a Special Lecture on “GST – A Panoramic View” by Dr. M. Jeya Kumar, Associate Prof. & Head, The Research Dept. of Economics, Saraswathy Narayanan College, Madurai on Aug. 05, 2017. | |
Invitation: Dept. of Business Administration (BBA) organized a One-Day Workshop on “Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Intercollegiate Fest on Aug. 30, 2017. General Rules and Regulations. | |
Invitation: Dept. of Physics celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of UG Physics on Aug. 19, 2017. | |
Department of Mathematics organized an International Seminar on “Applied Mathematics” on Aug. 21, 2017. | |
Invitation: SPRINGS 2K17 – Intercollegiate Cultural Fest on Aug. 26, 2017. | |
Invitation: The Department of English (SF) Inaugurated the Club “PROVIDENTIA 2K17” on Aug. 21, 2017. | |
Invitation: The College organized “C-Zone Tournament for School Students” on July 06 & 07, 2017. | |
Parents-Teachers’ Meet for I UG & I PG Students on July 21, 2017. | |
Department of Commerce with Computer Applications (M.Com. with Computer Applications) inaugurated the Association “MCOMCA.COM” on July. 26, 2017. Chief Guest: Dr. P. S. Senthilkumar, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Commerce with IT, NMSSVN College, Madurai. | |
Parents-Teachers’ Meet for II UG Students on July 29, 2017. | |
Department of Computer Applications (BCA) inauguration the Club by Mr. Prathap Sethu, Director, WIN WIN Consultancy, Madurai on July 26, 2017. | |
T1 Examinations: 08.08.2017 – 11.08.2017. |
The College celebrated Ramzan on June 23, 2017. Dr. S. Saira Banu, Associate Professor The Research Centre of English delivered the Ramzan Message. | |
Fatima College received the Best Academic Institute Award (National Level) conferred by Dr. Abdul Kalam Educational Trust, Chennai. | |
Fatima College received the Best Social Forum Award conferred by Dr. Abdul Kalam Educational Trust, Chennai to the Green Club & ROSA. | |
Time Table: Supplementary Examinations – July 2017. | |