Utilization Maintenance Policies
13/05/2023 2025-03-26 14:07Utilization Maintenance Policies
Utilization Maintenance Policies
- Fatima College has a well maintained and sprawling campus of 37 acres located in Vilangudi, Madurai. The College has excellent infrastructure facilitating a teaching-learning environment. The college functions in two shifts:
- Shift-I from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
- Shift-II from 12.30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Certificate and diploma courses are conducted from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for Shift-II and Shift-I respectively.
- During weekends and holidays, the campus is utilized for campus drives, central and State competitive exams such as NET, SET, TNPSC, UPSC and Bank examinations.
- The college follows a systematic and transparent procedure in purchasing, maintaining and utilizing books for the library, equipment for the laboratories, computers, sports equipment and other support facilities required for the classrooms. The Finance Committee, Planning Committee along with the Purchase Committee ensure that the laboratories, library and classrooms are well equipped. All complaints/repair work are entered in the Maintenance and Requirement Register which is scrutinised by the Administrative Officers for immediate action. The overall maintenance is under the purview of the Secretary and Administrative Officers of the college.
- Maintenance of College Library:
- Library functions between 8.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. on all working days & 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on Saturdays.
- Library Administration is partially automated.
- Stock checking is done regularly.
- Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is used.
- Attendance of library users is entered using e-gate entry facility.
- Barcoding of books is done to speed up transaction of books.
- Colour Coded Spine Labelling is done to enable proper and fast retrieving and reshelving of books.
- Separate cubicles are provided for research scholars.
- New arrivals are displayed in the new arrival rack.
- Library committee comprising the Principal, four staff members and two students meets once in a year to look into the needs of the library.
- Fire extinguishers are installed and maintained at several places.
- A Reprography Section is attached to the library.
- Old and brittle books are microfilmed.
- Utilization of Library:
- Useful newspaper clippings about the College, job, awards, research etc. are displayed.
- Digital library with 1 server and 20 client computers is available for users to download e-books and e-journals using INFLIBNET and DELNET databases.
- A career corner with books and periodicals to prepare for UPSC, TNPSC, Banking, NET, SET etc. is set up.
- Staff and students can borrow books using their college ID card.
- The library conducts Library week, and reading competitions annually to motivate the students.
- Braille material, software and talking books are available for the visually impaired students.
- RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, a Library theft detection system is used.
- URKUND plagiarism software is available for Research Scholars and Staff.
- INDIASTAT.com, database is available for commerce and economics students.
- Our library is open to Staff, Research Scholars and Students of other institutions for a nominal fee.
- Solar power is utilized for power backup.
- The library conducts an outreach programme for Government school students in the neighbourhood.
- Free internet facility is provided to students.
- Maintenance of Laboratory:
- Stock Register is maintained in all departments.
- Internal stock verification is done annually.
- Fire extinguishers are installed and maintained in all laboratories. The staff and technicians are trained to use the extinguishers.
- Instruments and equipments are serviced and a log is maintained.
- Utilization of Laboratory:
- A schedule for lab usage by students is fixed.
- Science exhibition, with working models prepared by college students is held periodically.
- Students of the neighbouring schools benefit from experiential learning using the college laboratories.
- As part of the healthy practice of ‘Lab to Land’ some science experiments are carried out in the adopted villages as part of extension activity.
- Computer Laboratories are also used to conduct computer based off-class certificate and diploma courses.
- Maintenance of Sport Complex:
- The markers maintain the play-field and supply the play kits.
- Electrical and water supply in the sport complex is monitored and maintained.
- Physical stock verification and equipment maintenance is done.
- The outdoor stadium has well laid and maintained tracks and courts.
- Utilization of Sport Complex:
- Outdoor Sports Ground:
- The outdoor sports facilities are used to host Madurai Kamaraj University Inter-Collegiate, State and District level Tournaments and the college annual sports day.
- The ground is also used by the employees of 10 corporate Industries to conduct Cricket matches.
- Indoor Sports Stadium:
- The College hosts Inter-collegiate and Inter-school Tournaments.
- Karate Association, Madurai is conducts its practical examinations.
- State level Skating Tournaments are conducted.
- The players use the Basket Ball & Badminton Court in the stadium as per for the following schedule:
- 10:00 a.m. – 12.00 noon
- 2:00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.
- Outdoor Sports Ground:
- Maintenance of Computers:
- All computers are maintained by two System Engineers.
- Computer Networks in the campus, both LAN and WAN, are provided through Optic Fibre Cables using round ring technology.
- SOPHOS FIREWALL security software is installed.
- The ISP of the college is BSNL. The service is through a leased line with 100 MBPS speed.
- Utilization of Computers:
- The student – computer ratio is 1:1.
- Students are motivated to sign up for NPTEL, SWAYAM and other online courses.
- Maintenance of Classrooms:
- The classrooms are well kept with adequate tables, chairs, fans and LEDs.
- 50% of the classrooms are equipped with ICT facilities.
- The Administrative Block and the classrooms in it are solar-powered.
- Utilization of Classrooms:
- The classrooms promote ICT enabled teaching learning.
- The classrooms are put to optimum use for Shift-I and Shift-II.
- As the classrooms are spacious and well-ventilated they are also used as Exam halls and Evaluation halls.
- All Off Class programmes are conducted in classrooms.