29/03/2023 2025-03-26 9:24Prayer
A happy band from far and near
We meet to learn the right to dare
Beloved Home! Dear College hail
Our love for thee shall never fail.
Chorus :Â Â Â Â For God is all our strength
                      In Him we do and dare
                      The right against the wrong
                       We will cherish and revere
                      Then firmly let us stand
                       United heart and hand
                      And pray that God may ever bless
                      Our College days.
We gather round where all may sing
Glad songs of praise, of trust and love
Where youthful hearts may find the way
That leads to light and endless days.
O Mary Land, My Mary Land,Â
My Sweet Home, My Mary Land,Â
Whene’er I hear your praises ring
Joyfully to you I sing.
Shrine built on faith with stones of love,
Endowed with peace from Heaven above,
Proud of your stand on Indian land,
Mary Land, My Mary Land.
O Mary Land, My Mary Land,
My Dear Home, My Mary Land,Â
E’er tenderly you guide my life
Fostering courage in the strife.
Though grey or blue the skies may be,
To you I’ll ever loyal be,
Strong with your faith, safe in your care,
Mary Land, My Mary Land.
O Mary Land, My Mary Land,
My blest home, My Mary Land,
Your word is truth, a beacon light,
Shining through the darkest night,
I’ll cherish memories of you,
As time goes on whatever I do.
A guide, a friend, that’s what you’ve been,
Mary Land, My Mary Land.
O Patroness of Mary Land,
Mary Queen of all our land,
In years to come, my model be
Keep me ever close to Thee,
E’er true to my fellow men,
I want to help my fellow men,
Mary My Guide, give me Thy hand,
Patroness of Mary Land.
God our Father, source of all goodness, we believe that you are present in the whole creation. We humbly ask of you to watch over this College and its Inmates. Bless our parents, our teachers, our friends and well-wishers. Help us to grow as responsible women, caring for every kind of neighbour, especially our less fortunate brothers and sisters. May every prayer and work of ours begin with you and happily end with you.
Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for us – Amen.