Human Rights Education
29/04/2023 2025-03-25 15:06Human Rights Education
Human Rights Education (HRE)
Human Rights Education is acquiring greater importance in the changing national and global scenario in the wake of globalization. At this juncture, Fatima College had introduced Human Resource Education from 2000 – 2001 academic year onwards.
- To enhance knowledge about human rights.
- To help in the process of value clarification on fairness, equality and justice.
- To have effect on behavioral change in reflecting respect for one another.
- To recognize the suffering in injustice both at home and outside.
- One hour / week for 2 credits for one semester.
- Mandatory for all the outgoing students at the UG level.
- Debating.
- Skit and street play.
- Visit to places where human rights are violated (e.g.) Prison, Court, Juvenile Home, Old age home, Orphanages.
- Group project on identified issues.
We are grateful to the UGC for the financial assistance of Rs. 4 lakhs which has boosted our Human Rights Education to greater heights. With a rich harvest of human rights commodores from our college participating in human rights movements.