11/05/2023 2025-02-08 12:34Examination
Autonomy was conferred on Fatima College in 1990. The system of evaluation has been systematically and periodically remodeled to make it highly credible and valid. There has been a parallel evolution of the evaluation system to match the changing trends in curricular innovations and teaching-learning methodologies.
The basis of changes incorporated in the question paper pattern and evaluation components are aimed at comprehensive evaluation of the capabilities of the students. The evaluation pattern is designed to test the textual comprehension and practical application of knowledge gained in various areas of their chosen subjects. Hence credits and marks are allotted for projects, internships and training programmes.
The current system of evaluation is based on the CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) guidelines given by the Department of Higher Education, Tamil Nadu Government.
The two components of evaluation are:
- CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment) = 25%
- ESE (End Semester Examinations) = 75%
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
- The common requisites for CIA are as follows:
- Two centralized mandatory tests – Test1 (T1) & Test2 (T2)
- Quiz
- Assignment
- Seminar
- The common requisites for CIA are as follows:
- The two components of evaluation are:
- CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment) = 40%
- ESE (End Semester Examinations) = 60%
- The two components of evaluation are:
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
- The common requisites for CIA are as follows:
- Two centralized mandatory tests – Test1 (T1) & Test2 (T2)
- Quiz
- Assignment
- Seminar
- Open Book Test / Powerpoint Presentation
- Non-Scholastic
- The common requisites for CIA are as follows:
Retest is not offered as a rule
- If a student is absent for either of the tests, the available marks will be divided by two and taken as the test mark for that paper.
- A student who is absent for a test on medical grounds, has to seek special permission from the Principal, through the Head of the department to write a retest.
- The date of the commencement of the End Semester Examinations is printed in the College Calendar. The detailed Time Table for regular and supplementary papers will be published in the College Website three weeks before the commencement of the examinations. A copy of the time table will be displayed on the notice board also.
- External pass minimum
- UG = 21/60 = 35%
- PG = 27/60 = 45%
- Aggregate pass minimum
- UG = 40/100 = 40%
- PG = 50/100 = 50%
- Candidates who have passed with repeat attempts are not eligible for Distinction.
- External pass minimum
- Current students and private candidates can appear.
- The July supplementary examination will be only for the arrears in the final semester papers of the April End Semester Examination for the outgoing students.
- Contact the college administrative office regarding registration for the supplementary examinations.
- Check the college website for the time table of these examinations.
- Application forms for writing supplementary examination should be signed by Respective Head of the Department.
- A Photocopy of the last received Mark Sheet should be submitted along with the application form.
- Number of attempts allowed for Passing in the same syllabus: 1+4 chances are allowed for any paper in the same syllabus. After that, the candidates can write the examination only in the current syllabus of the Course / current equivalent Course.
- Students, who have exhausted the permissible chances, must contact the HOD and register for the current equivalent course only.
- The date for registration of supplementary examinations is printed in the college calendar and ten working days are allowed for registering.
- Late submission of application forms for registration will not be permitted.
- For all examinations, the students’ Identity Card should be presented as Hall Ticket. If ID card is lost, the candidate must apply to the Principal for a replacement.
- Students who have failed and wish to apply for revaluation, should contact the college Administrative Office within 7 working days after the publication of results, to get the application form and details of fees for revaluation.
- The revaluation results will be forwarded to their home address within 10 days after the last day allowed for applying for revaluation.
- Out gone students with arrears are considered as Private Candidates.
- During the supplementary examinations they can appear for any paper of the following semesters
- I to VI – UG Courses
- I to IV – PG Courses
- They are expected to bring their ID cards for the supplementary exams and for all sorts of enquiries.
- A student who has passed in the End Semester Examination but has failed because of getting less than the aggregate minimum 40/100 (UG) or 50/100 (PG), can avail this provision at the beginning of any semester.
- CIA improvement can be attempted in any semester for any Course.
- The students must contact the Administrative Office at the beginning of each semester to register for CIA improvement for Odd / Even Semester Courses. The candidate must register for CIa improvement before T1 and after that registration will not be allowed.
- After registering and duly paying the fees, the candidate should be in contact with the Department to know the dates of the Tests, Quiz and Assignment.
- Malpractice (possession of papers or any other material with hints / copying / insertion of prewritten answer paper, giving and receiving help) will be punished. If you find any incriminating material (bits of papers with hints) near your seat, she should report it immediately to the Hall Supervisor.
- A candidate who commits, malpractice has to face an enquiry committee comprising the Principal, Controller of Examinations, Dean and HOD, with her parents, who will be informed of the nature of punishment.
End Semester Examinations
- First time offence: Cancellation of examination taken in the particular course. The candidate will be debarred from appearing for that course for one subsequent examination.
- Repeat offence: Cancellation of examination of all subjects registered for that semester. The candidate will be debarred from appearing for these courses for one subsequent examination.
Centralized Tests
- First time offence: If a student indulges in malpractice either during T1 or T2 for the first time in her period of study, the test taken will be cancelled and no marks will be awarded for that course. During consolidation of marks for that course, the available mark will be divided by 2, and taken as test average.
- Repeat offence: if a student indulges in malpractice either during T1 or T2 for the second time in her period of study, all the tests she had written in that schedule will be cancelled and no marks will be awarded for any of the courses. During consolidation of marks for all courses, the available mark for one test will be divided by 2, and taken as test average.