Do not fear, for I am with you,
do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand

– Isaiah 41:10




  1.     Dr. A. Dev Mala, M.A., M.Phil., NET. Ph.D.C06TA007            
          Assistant Professor

  2.     Dr. S. R. Poongodi, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.F13TA003   
          Assistant Professor & Head

  3.     Dr. R. Ponni, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., SLET. – F13TA001
Assistant Professor

  4.     Dr. F. Dhivya, M.A., M.Phil., NET, Ph.D.C21TA001   
ssistant Professor


     MISSION     :     Empower Women through National language Hindi



To encourage the Non-Hindi area (Madurai) students to learn Hindi.


To motivate the students to do Higher studies in Hindi.


To develop National Unity among the young women through this language.



To give them the knowledge to know about the writers and their Literary work.



To improve the chances of higher education and employment for the students in the current global situation where bi-lingual skills are essential in the international arena.



To achieve the Vision by empowering the students with communicative skills and exposure in an alternate / additional international language (French) through a process of a well designed curriculum that includes the usage of latest audio-visual aids and the internet.


  • Vision Statement

    WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT THROUGH EDUCATION Being contemplative, prophetic and women of communion for the LIFE of the world to empower young women through faith formation and value-based education for societal equality, harmony and care for our common home.