Do not fear, for I am with you,
do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand

– Isaiah 41:10

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1.   Open Access System

Allows first hand contact with the books on the shelf.

2.   OPAC – Online Public Access Catalogue

3.   Power Backup 25 KV Supporting 65 Systems

4.  Status of the Books

Particular book is available on stack or in binding or loaned out or reserved.

5.  Location

Exact place where the item is available, main stack room or reference room, rack number, row number with subject indication.

6.  User Account ID

Personal user account gives an overview of the user activities at the library, borrowed items, due dates, advance reservation status. The time of visits to the library and the LIBNET is also used to register login ID.

7.  Pamphlet

Gives brief introduction about our library and guide for freshers.

8.  Author Index Arrangement

The Books are arranged in alphabetical order.

9.  Reservation

Ensure an opportunity to use the items and on-line advance reservation facility.

10. Barcode

Transaction of books across the library counter has been speeded up because of barcoding.

11. Previous Year Question Paper Service

12. Help from Library Staff

13. Neatly Maintained Stacks

Special care has been taken to maintain the library stacks to facilitate users to locate the desired documents quickly.

14. Color Coding Spine Labels

For retrieving and reshelfing the books in to the right slot and location we adopt different colors.

15. Seating Facilities

The Library has seating for 412 users.

16. Cubicles

 Private cubicle for the research scholars are provided.

  • Vision Statement

    WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT THROUGH EDUCATION Being contemplative, prophetic and women of communion for the LIFE of the world to empower young women through faith formation and value-based education for societal equality, harmony and care for our common home.