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Foundation Course :

To facilitate the students to know the basics of other disciplines and to improve their self-learning skills FONDE (Fatima Online ‘N Digital Education) provides online FOUNDATION COURSE for the first year students as two papers 23UAD1MDA – Arts (History, Economics, Sociology, Tamil, English and commerce) and 23UAD2MDS - Science (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Home Science and Zoology) during I and II semesters respectively with 2 credits each. FOUNDATION COURSE is offered as online program as the online courses are comfortable, convenient, and flexible also it motivates the students for self-paced learning. The course is available with Syllabus, course content in the form of videos - prepared by our staff with the transcript and question bank with minimum of 50 questions from each stream. At the end of the semester, students take up the online test and get their grade.
